
Physiotherapy 101

Modulekode FTP 101
Kwalifikasie Undergraduate
Fakulteit Faculty of Health Sciences

General introduction and orientation to physiotherapy, PBL skills and evidence-based approach to physiotherapy. Introduction to biomechanics, terminology, passive movements, measurement of the range of movement, clinical visits and patient-handling.
Kinetics: axis, planes, levers, effect of gravity on the human body.
Applied electro biomechanics: introduction to radiation, high-frequency, ultrasound, shortwave diathermy, laser, ultraviolet, infrared radiation.
Introduction to manual therapy: general introduction to massaging, evaluation of soft tissue, types applications and effects of massage techniques on various types of tissue, modalities application to the human body.
Human movement science: introduction to biomechanics, study of human movement, functional evaluation, muscle-testing, types of muscular activity, kinematics: analysis of movement, motor control and posture, characteristics of normal movement. Applied electrobiomechanics, introduction to medium frequency currents, Russian currents. Pulmonology.
Note: Physiotherapy is presented in a problem-based and integrated manner.

Modulekrediete 10.00
Contact time 1 web-based period per week, 3 lectures per week, 4 practicals per week
Language of tuition Module is presented in English
Department Physiotherapy
Period of presentation Year

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